Suriah (I changed her name) came in for physical therapy lymphedema/axillary web syndrome treatment today.
After her breast cancer surgery, bilateral and bilateral implants, she developed radiological fibrosis that made her chest wall and armpits tight when she raised her arms to do put her dishes away or to build her barn.
She also raises goats and she was casually taking her goats for a walk and she has a herd of goats, but they started to get out of hand on a steep hillside and she went to reach for the two goats leading the herd down the steep hill and she ended up having an extremely uncomfortable bumpy, dusty ride on her belly with her arms stretched way out straight in front of her.
Finally, they reached the bottom of the hill … all dirty and scraped up. But the goats were under control. All is well.
The next day she came in for her treatment and she said that she had had goat release.
The goats had released her myofascial tightness under her arms in her chest while and it was a lot looser, and she did have better range of motion.
She also was not sure she wanted to have this type of release again for axillary webbing!