- Complete an approved certification course (encompassing 135 hours of instruction and hands-on mentoring)
- Have at least one year of clinical treatment experience beyond the certification course.
- Pass the LANA national certification examination.
Lymphedema swelling develops after surgeries when lymph node filtering stations that regulate the fluids in the affected area are removed during surgery and or radiation. This happens approximately 30% of the time. Developing lymphedema can be avoided or helped and managed by self-MLD (Manual Lymph Drainage) Strength ABC program, specific exercise, and other simple modalities and observing precautions. (provided free under Bonus Resources - Precautions for Lymphedema self- care and Precautions Guide)
Traditional Lymphedema Therapy consists of MLD - Manual Lymph Drainage to create collateral lymphatic pathways to move the fluid out of the challenged areas to unaffected areas, decreasing achiness, heaviness and pain. Lymphedema treatment may also include- Bandaging/ Skin care/ Daytime or Nighttime compression options, physical exercises, self -care prevention and self-care management.
MLD is a gentle massage technique that helps mobilize the excess lymph fluid from the affected arm or leg or chest-wall, to unswollen, unaffected areas of the body through gently moving the skin. It is a light and comfortable massage technique. MLD is not painful, in fact it decreases pain when performed correctly.
What are the benefits of MLD?
- MLD calms the autonomic nervous system which decreases pain
- MLD helps normalize the lymphatic system that protects the body from invaders protecting immune function
- MLD removes cellular waste
- MLD creates new lymph pathways to decrease swelling and mobilize lymphedema to areas of the body where it can be resorbed.
Generally, NO! MLD can help you heal quicker and can generally be used before and after surgery.
** After surgery you do need clearance from your MD before beginning MLD, especially if you’ve had a DIEP flap or surgery where small vessels have been connected. Your surgeon will generally want you to wait for the first 6-8 weeks.
Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) - contraindications
Contraindications happen when an increase in lymph flow would be detrimental. Contraindications can either be absolute or relative. The physician can override relative contraindications if he or she finds good reason, but the absolute contraindications cannot be overridden.
Absolute Contraindications:
Acute inflammation – caused by bacteria, viruses and poisons are contraindicated. Tissues will be red, hot, swollen and painful with congestion accompanied by fever. Lymphatic drainage will push these substances into the lymph channels before the body has a chance to eliminate them. This way one can spread the toxic substances throughout the body. You need to see you MD ASAP and be on antibiotics at least 3 days before it is safe to treat until the condition is not acute and the body has had a chance to clear up the infection up the infection often called Cellulitis.
Malignant tumors – there is a challenge of spreading the cancer.
Thrombosis – we do not treat active DVT or thrombosis this can lead to free floating blood clots in the circulatory system. We can treat a treated DVT when the MD says it is safe, and there is no threat of mobilizing the blood clot or DVT (deep venous thrombosis).
Major heart problems – if the heart is not fully functioning, edema can be lymphodynamic due to a lack of venous return. Pumping more fluid in the heart it may stress it more than the actual condition. CHD (Congestive heart disease) is treated in specific protocols if the MD concurs it is medically stable on their medication.
Relative Indications or Precautions:
Kidney problems – check with the physician before treating.
Bronchial asthma – this can stimulate the vagus nerve bringing on an attack.
Thyroid problems – no treatment around the throat.
Medications – challenge of increasing the dosage by draining the interstitial spaces.
First three months of pregnancy – challenge of miscarriage.
Removed spleen – recommend shorter session first.
Menstruation – MLD can increase the flow.
European Research indicates that it takes 3 weeks of 1-2x a day of manually stimulating the lymph pathways to create new collateral lymph pathways. The MLD treatment lasts 24-48 hours.
Self - MLD: 8 - 20 min, 1-2x per day.
Clinical MLD: 1 to 1.5 hour per day, 1-5x per week.
An MLD session in person/ in clinic costs $ 80-$300 per hour, depending on location.
** A 1-hour hands on MLD Session with Lin in her private clinic is $85. If you have a hardship plz talk to Lin. 530 913-8878
An MLD/Lymphedema Session in person/ in clinic (with doctors RX) at Fit for Life Physical Therapy. Lymphedema Treatment is covered by most insurances, excluding California Health & Wellness. You can contact Fit for Life at 530 478-8878.
An online private MLD / Lymphedema / Hypnotherapy coaching session costs $75 for 45+min.
One (1) MLD / Lymphedema 15-minute Coaching Consultation with Lin is FREE.
MLD in fact has been well researched for many pathologies, it is not considered an alternative therapy in enlightened medical circles at this time.
1. Surgical: Post-cancerous surgeries, Pre or Post all Surgeries, Varicose veins, Post-Liposuction
2. Musculoskeletal: Sprains and strains, Rheumatoid arthritis and tendonitis
3. Various conditions: Sinusitis, Fibromyalgia, Toxic poisoning, IBS, Acne
4. Metabolic problems: Fatigue, Sleep disorders, Stress
5. Post Trauma: Minimize Scars, Shorten the healing period
An in clinic MLD treatment takes 55 minutes.
A Private 1 on 1 MLD/ Lymphedema Compassionate Coaching session is 45 -55 minutes.
Weekly online Free Group MLD Self-care Zoom Class (open to all who have had breast cancer or are caregivers of breast cancer patients) is 30-60 minutes.
I am excited to meet you and work with you! Click Below for your free 15 min session!
Hypnotherapy is a process of heightened concentration and focused attention under the guidance of a certified hypnotherapist. It makes you more receptive to positive changes, helping you transform your perceptions, emotions, memories, and behaviors. Your unconscious mind, which is connected to your emotional core, gently guides you towards healthier ways of navigating your life.
People commonly describe hypnotherapy as a state of calm and deep physical and mental relaxation. This state allows for profound focus and is essential to accessing deeper levels of awareness. The first step in the process is to establish a connection with this deep relaxation, creating a foundation from which transformation can occur.
While most individuals remember everything that occurs during a hypnotherapy session, some may not recall every detail, particularly minor ones.
The state of hypnosis is often compared to being between wakefulness and sleep. Consequently, participants have the freedom to speak, respond, or remain silent during the session, all of which are entirely acceptable.
Lin has extensive experience working with people recovering from cancer. She realized the need for empathetic listening and guided direction for individuals reconnecting with themselves post-treatment. A certified healing hypnotherapist, trained under the globally recognized Paul Mc Kenna, Lin incorporates hypnotherapy into her sessions, emphasizing deep relaxation as a vital tool for recovery and transformation.